Stay Gallery will host The Local Group Show 5, an annual group art exhibition highlighting the creative diversity of LA County, on Friday, Oct. 6, from 5-10 pm.
Sixty-eight local artists are scheduled to participate in the show. Other highlights include a local artisan vendor market, craft beer by Brewjeria, drinks by Liquid Death, a free art workshop by GUERRA, a DJ set by NICEGUYXVINNY, and live painting by Nia Simone and Angel Acordagoitia.
“Downey Doodle-icious” prints by Don Lamkin will be available for purchase, as will limited edition Stay Gallery merch.
Admission is free with RSVP although donations are encouraged. Proceeds will benefit Stay Gallery’s annual fundraising goal of $30,000 to continue providing free and low-cost programs.
For more details, visit staygallery.org.